March 13, 2017 • News
This post has been reposted from 11/30/2016
We’ve already been through Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Retailers revel in the fact that the shopping season between Thanksgiving and Christmas accounts for between 30% to 40% of their entire annual sales. But what about all those other business categories that don’t get an automatic lift from the holiday buying season? The best gift they can give their bottom line is a re-evaluation of the role video content can play in their year-long marketing plan. So let’s stare Christmas season in its red, rosy-cheeked face and figure out how to make video work for you.
For the last couple of weeks we’ve been examining how video content can impact every stage of the marketing funnel. We saw how brand films generate interest, how testimonial videos develop engagement, and today we’ll look at how the right video content can impact the bottom phase of the marketing funnel by increasing sales and developing customer loyalty.
According to MarketingSherpa, products supported with a video sell a whopping 174% more than those without video support. But with an ever-increasing array of video options to choose from, it’s important to invest in the type of video content that is most likely to seal the deal. The following are the ones we recommend for energizing the bottom of the marketing funnel:
By the end of the consumer journey, your prospect has compared options and is considering purchase. The only thing standing between them becoming a customer is usually some end-of-funnel questions they have. This is your company’s chance to be the trusted go-to brand and initiate the last step before purchase. But don’t settle for a one-dimensional Q&A page. Use this chance to build your brand and differentiate your company with informative, yet personality-driven videos. Last year, we teamed up with the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation to answer FAQ’s about Amarillo, economic development, and how the AEDC is helping Amarillo grow. Check out this piece that shows why Amarillo is such a great place for business.
By the bottom of the funnel, many consumers are already entertaining the idea of buyer’s remorse. What if it doesn’t last? What if I’m not happy with the results? These are legitimate concerns. That’s where instructional and demonstration videos can be used to proactively reassure your prospect that they can rely upon your company. And, don’t think such videos have to be boring. This video was created for Born Banner and demonstrates the hand-tailored attention to detail that goes into every piece of signage they create. Watching paint dry has never been more engaging:
There’s a reason infographics have become wildly popular. They communicate complex information or relationships in an elegant, easy-to-understand visual manner. Animated infographics take it one step further. Whether you’re trying to communicate the benefits of compounded interest or show how your product can be adapted for multiple uses, animated infographics are a memorable way to provide useful information to interested potential customers. Check out this highlight reel of some the most mind-blowing animated infographics you’ve seen all day (or ever). No, we didn’t make these, but you can bet your data sheet that we’re capable of bringing this to you.
If there’s one thing that the Lemieux crew believes strongly in it’s old-fashioned values, like not forgetting where you came from and remembering to always say thanks. What better way to express your appreciation to your customers than with a branded thank you video? Whether you send a standard video to all new customers, or create a custom video to thank your newest business client, such videos are memorable ways to build brand loyalty. Since businesses make between 5% to 20% profit on a new customer but anywhere from60%-70% on an existing one, turns out having good manners is also good business. Here’s an example of a short thank you video we think Mom would be proud of?
As we head into the final stretch of the year, there’s no better time to reconsider what part video content will play in your 2017 marketing plan. And, no better time to say thanks for reading. Thanks for sharing. And, thanks for considering the role that exceptional video storytelling can play in your brand building strategy.
Time-honored craftmanship is part of the Lemieux DNA. It’s what makes us work a little harder and a little longer. It’s what helps us transform the mundane into the memorable through a full range of video marketing tools, including:
- Commercial production
- Promotional films
- Educational & training videos
- Sales & marketing tools
If it’s time to start moving your consumer through the marketing funnel, give us a call (806.502.8383) or shoot us an email (
Let’s build something better.